Having somewhere to go is a HOME

Having someone to love is a FAMILY

Having both is a BLESSING

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ya-Ba Da-Ba-Dooooo!

Sydnee as Pebbles!

Isaiah as Bam Bam!

We had a lot of fun at Parkway's Fall Fest this year.  Sydnee dressed up as Pebbles and her friend, Isaiah dressed up as Bam-Bam!  I made their costumes and I think they turned out great and the kids looked super cute.  I really tried to get a picture of them together, but it was quite a challenge since all they wanted to do was run in opposite directions. 

Our small group was in charge of the soda ring toss booth this year so we worked the Fall Festival the entire time and Steve and I took turns watching Sydnee run around everywhere.  Some of the highlights for her included riding a tricycle, jumping in the moon bounce, sliding down the BIG inflatable slide, dancing to music, playing on the playground before the festival started, going swimming (well at least attempting too until Mommy caught her as her foot went in) in the ice water pool that held drinks for our game, stealing other kids balloons, eating a corn dog and some Smarties, and just running free! 

Although it was a long day, we all had fun!  Now, what to dress up as next year???

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"Hi Hay-di"

Sydnee loves saying "HI" to everyone and everything. It's so cute to hear her sweet little voice say "Hi ____" when we are walking into a store or playing at the park. Sydnee was able to play with her cousin, Haylie, for a few days when Steve was out of town. She tries really hard to say her name and it sounds something like "Hay-di".   We took the girls to a pumpkin patch, the park, and the zoo.  Here are a few pics of them playing together.

Rocking together (Sydnee calls it "swi"= swinging)

Playing a duet on the piano

Pumpkin Patch

Haylie Loved Swinging at the Park

Sydnee showing off her tongue

Brushing the goats at the petting zoo

Sydnee and a goat in a stare down.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Caught You Red Handed!

Sydnee's already stealing Daddy's money!  Let's go shopping lil girl!

She found Daddy's wallet laying on the side table and thought it would be a fun "toy" to play with!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

BIG Slide = BIG Fun!

This past weekend we took Sydnee to a few local parks to play on the playgrounds. She LOVED it! We walked her right up to the little slide and she immediately saw the BIG slide and ran right over to it. Steve followed her up the stairs and helped her get on the slide and she slid down to me. I think she has a little bit of her Daddy in her because she has NO FEAR! This has now become one of our new favorite outings that we do several times a week. One day it will be nice to have our own playground in the back yard, but for now, this will do!

(For some reason, she was grinding her teeth the whole time so that's why she's making funny faces in these teeth on the way I guess!)
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New Favorite Play Spot

One of Sydnee's new favorite spots to play in is the shelving area on our kitchen island. When she became mobile, we took the stuff off the shelves, then when she could walk, she liked to try and take out the shelves, so we removed them. Now it's just an empty space that she likes to sit in and play. She really likes to collect toys and store them in here then sit with them. She also enjoys "hiding" here and popping out to play "peek-a-boo"!

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