Having somewhere to go is a HOME

Having someone to love is a FAMILY

Having both is a BLESSING

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday Night Lights

So far this football season, we've been to two high school football games. Sydnee really enjoys watching all the action of the crowd and the field. We were sitting down front for the St. Joseph HS homecoming game and the cheerleaders came over and cheered right in front of us. Sydnee couldn't take her eyes off them. It was quite entertaining for her! She also likes to throw her toys over the railing and watch them fall! She also loves to watch the band during the half-time show. We usually only make it through the first half of the game and then it's time for bed! Gotta love Friday Night Lights in South Texas!

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

If You're Happy & You Know It...

...CLAP YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!!!

Sydnee loves her baths! She loves to splash in the water and play with her toys. In this picture, she was clapping because we were singing "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands". This has become one of her favorite songs. She will randomly start clapping and want you to sing it, no matter where you are or what you're doing. She also likes "The Wheels on the Bus" and when you sing "round and round" she moves her arms round and round! It's so fun to watch her and she is learning new things everyday!

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