Having somewhere to go is a HOME

Having someone to love is a FAMILY

Having both is a BLESSING

Thursday, July 22, 2010

LONG time, NO blog!

Hey there blogger friends!

I haven't blogged in a while because I've been super busy starting a new hobby (and hopefully business) called "Butteflies 'n Mudpies" and have been focusing all my extra attention to that. I've been working hard at creating all sorts of things to sell at a Market Mom event in San Antonio next weekend, plus I've had some "customers" from Victoria purchase things also. It is a lot of fun but also a lot of work, especially when I have a little one walking (YES...WALKING!!!!) around. I really only get to work on it while she's sleeping so my days are really busy.

I will be back to blogging once this event is over. I have so much to tell you about Sydnee and how she's been growing! I can't believe she's almost ONE!!!!

Back to work I go....